12 February 2006


It turns out there wasn't anything to worry about. My foot problems were just some stress pains from starting to run again, and not watching my form well enough. I ran 3 miles on Friday and then 3 again on Saturday. Today I ran 5 miles in a little over 45 minutes so I am happy with that. So running is good.

I am debating with myself on whether or not to sign up for the San Francisco marathon. I really want to do it but the slots are already filling up and it will be $95 to run. By my reasoning, if I am going to run the SF marathon with it's 650' of elevation gain, this year might be the best as I will be in pretty good shape after having just run the SD marathon. It is $95 though, so I can't decide.

About the Bahamas pictures. I didn't quite get to them. I have some other pictures from Christmas, right below this post. I do have a Bahamas post started though, so maybe they will be out soon.

I spent too much time on things not related to Blogging or school work this weekend. Some of that included going to church, so, yeah for me!


CëRïSë said...

The public anxiously awaits your Bahamas photos. The people demand pictures!