25 April 2006

Fast Food versus Good Food

I guess I’m still on the Earth Day theme. I think I need to write about this though, since it is perplexing to me. And I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks about these issues. (I have been thinking about more science and religion based posts, Mandy. So I’ll get to those soon.)

On Sunday I went birding with my professor and student/classmate. The birding was good and I made a significant start on my lifelist with 78 new birds. You can see the results at my new birding webpage. It’s very simple and I didn’t proof read it.

At one point we started talking about fast food and Walmart. If you’ve seen the “No War: Nebraskans for Peace” sign in my car you might imagine which side of the debate I came down on against these two Californians. Humanitarian issues aside, why would you want to buy crap just because it is cheap so you can afford to buy more crap? On a certain level I can understand the appeal if you are poor. Fast food and Walmart do make things very cheap and I can’t argue with that. But I make $6000/year and somehow I can afford to buy whole wheat bread. Sure I could buy two or three loaves of white bread for the same price but I guess I would prefer to eat less food of a higher quality, and I’m not starving. In the long run it might save money in health costs. Seriously, why should I go to Del Taco to eat some flimsy little taco of questionable appeal and support some millionaire CEO when I can eat the delicious Pablo special at Maria’s and support the local entrepreneurs?

Is there anyway to instill a since of pride in someone’s life?

PS. On a similar note, I would recommend to everyone to use compact florescent light bulbs instead of the incandescent bulbs. They may cost twice as much but they will save you about $200 in electricity over the 8 year life of the bulb. In the same amount of time you may need to replace an incandescent bulb 10-15 times so really you are saving quite a lot of money by using the compact florescent bulbs.


Karen said...

Bryant, you've already made a convernt out of me as far as the compact florescent light bulbs, i've been replacing the one in my house as they burn out with the incadescents.

m said...

people like you make me feel so guilty for being a person like me :)

Jason & Janelle Shives said...

Ok more conviction. I shop at Stater Brothers and Walmart for almost everything. You'll have to tell me where to buy my tp and shampoo without supporting the Walmart "man."