19 October 2006

All your space are belong to U.S.

Dear Leader,

In your infinite wisdom and benevolence you are supremely qualified to exert absolute authority in this world and all others.

In these terribly dangerous times I am assured that I am safer because you are my leader. You recognized the need for a 700 mile fence to restrict brown people from entering this country (as well as threatening coyotes, leopards, pumas and much other wildlife). This is probably preferable to sending aid to Mexico to encourage people to stay there rather than emigrate to the US.

You tell me that terrorism is less of a problem now than ever before because "Our Enemies Have Not Succeeded In Launching Another Attack On Our Soil" and "our enemies are evil and kill without mercy." This is enough for me to know, facts would be confusing and might undermine the efficacy of your work. I feel ashamed to know about your beneficial programs like domestic wiretapping and secret prisons. I have no right to know about these and my only hope is that my knowledge of this hasn't compromised my safety.

I know that the Geneva conventions are quite vague about the definition of torture. This probably stems from the difficulty in many people attempting come to a consensus about the issues. Of course if only one person were to define torture then there would be 100% consensus. You should be this person. A side benefit is that your infallibility renders the need for habeas corpus obsolete.

Because of your example I feel confident that the US is in the moral highground in asserting control of all of space.

"Consistent with this policy, the United States will preserve its rights, capabilities and freedom of action in space … and deny, if necessary, adversaries the use of space capabilities hostile to U.S. national interests." ABC and here
Richard Branson might have issues but as a white Englishman we will want to work with him. I'm sure as he is a super capitalist and non-islamic there won't be any problems aside from his environmental record.

As a lowely patriotic American it is not my place to make suggestions to you, my only hope is that you will find a way to change the term limits so that you can stay in office for longer than the short 8 years the they give you.

May democracy rule over all people, forever.


CëRïSë said...

Somebody set us up the bomb!