Why I like ___Obama___
I second a lot of what Ceri said. Specifically;
- He was a college professor
- He believes health care is a right, not a privilege
- Matthew 25 "I was naked, and you clothed me: I was sick, and you visited me ... Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me."
- He is cosmopolitan having traveled widely
- unlike some another candidate that didn't even have a passport until two years ago. Inspite of living right next to Russia.
I also like him because;
- He supports a balanced and diverse energy policy which would lead us to independence as well as make us economically and ecologically responsible.
- Although I disagree on his stance on off shore drilling. There is very little factual support that off shore drilling would benefit our economy or make us more independent
- He is calculated and reflective
- He has style
- He has religious beliefs that I can respect
- He believes in personal freedoms
- He listens to facts no matter what side of the aisle they come from
- a fact is a fact
- He gives pointed answers questions instead of skirting around
- He supports getting out of Iraq.
We have got to get out of Iraq. Hasn't anyone read/heard about the Lancet article on Iraq casualties? Please look into this. It is sound science and it basically says we, us Americans, are responsible for between 400,000 and a 1,000,000 causalities in Iraq, or about 650,000 dead with 95% confidence. How can we ever hope to improve our standing in the world unless we get out of there? The longer we are there, the more causalities we will be responsible for and the more they will learn to hate us. We have to leave.
Please, please look into this. If nothing else, just listen to the This American Life piece. If that doesn't convince you then you may not have a soul.
- This American Life on the lancet articles - What's in a Number
- Wikipedia treatment - "Lancet surveys of Iraq War casualties"
- The original article PDF
- Although he may never have actually tried to reduce funding for the grizzly bear population surveys he seems unable to stand up to peer pressure to the idea that science is a pointless endeavor. I assume he would consider research on desert tortoises for the USGS to be the same as research on Grizzly Bears for the USGS.
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