25 May 2007

Work and Travels

I am finding it difficult to keep regular updates. My excuses are a sporadic schedule, travel, and a lack of discipline. But this weekend I get a five day weekend so I can't use those excuses. Today I am in Desert Hot Springs, CA visiting Ceri and pretty much being lazy, surfing the Internet.

Tacos y Más Tacos

Mexico was big fun. It was basically a taco run. I ate eleven
tacos of five varieties at five different taco stands. So good.

Our trip took us down the 15 from Las Vegas to Tijuana, and then down Baja 1 to Ensenada where we stayed Friday night. We got a hotel at
La Mision where for $40 we got two rooms and cable TV. We wasted an hour and a half on Los Simpsons and half of a Futurama. In Spanish Futurama was funnier. After some tacos we spent some time at the Jazz Cafe. I liked the dark, blotchy colors, the split levels, and the windows. The webpage is not the great.

Saturday we drove to San Felipe for m
ás tacos and Cinco de Mayo. Cinco de Mayo was not celebrated. Instead, the prominent celebration was the Oscar de la Joya vs Merriweather fight. After tacos we walked on the beach and drew pictures in the sand. Anine wanted to see the fight so we walked around looking for a bar. We settled on a place with outside dining and view of the TVs. However, we were distracted by the night life and ended up watching very little of the fight.

Although there were quite a few tents set up on the beach in San Felipe, it was far too populated at midnight to expect to sleep without interruption so we drove north for a few miles until we found a campground on the beach. We made a fire and told a mix of true and untrue stories to each other.


The next weekend was a trip to Solvang, CA for the Wine Country half marathon. I didn't run but Ceri and three of her family members did. The night before the run we ate at
Pea Soup Anderson's. I had the bottomless bowl of pea soup which filled me after a single bowl. While the others ran I walked around Solvang looking for a coffee shop to buy a pastry and coffee. The locals hadn't heard that a half-marathon was scheduled for the weekend but luckily I was able to find a single coffee shop open next to the Hans Christian Anderson museum. Overheard conversation included a description of a firehouse BBQ where "Uncle Eddie", as in Eddie Van Halen, had sold a guitar for $12,000 to benefit the fire department. On Sunday, Chris purchased a motorcycle in Santa Barbara. Now I am contemplating taking a motorcycle safety class and getting my license.

Mojave Field Work

Work has been going well. We finished the annuals surveys two weeks ago and have been working on road restoration projects. These involve running a tape measure down a trail that had been restored by various treatments and counting all perennial plants that fall in the path. Specifically, we are looking for seedlings but these rare. Ideally there will be more in the treated areas than the untreated areas, indicating that the restoration is working. I'm not sure how the different treatments will compare but it seems like the best thing is just to keep the vehicles off the trail.

After 8 weeks working for USGS I am almost half way through my appointment. Hiking all week, sleeping under the stars, and generally being away from society has been good for my mental and physical health. I like the people I work with and I learn new things about the desert and desert plants every day. I have also lost nearly 20 pounds since starting work here. The heat hasn't been a problem with the highest temperature experienced so far at just 100 degrees. I drank 7 liters of water and gatoraide that day. The temperature drops to 50's and 60's fairly quickly after nightfall. During hot days we set up a tarp off the truck and break from noon to 3pm. Generally we read, write in our journals, eat and play games during this time.

I think it's funny that this truck has about 1500 miles on it and have already destroyed one running board.

Ok, I'm tired of being on the computer so I'm gonna quit writing. You will notice that I have posted some links to my galleries on the right. In keeping with my sporadic nature I have them spread out over three google accounts. Someday I plan to consolidate them into a single account.


03 May 2007

Hola todos,

Sorry for not posting last weekend. I went climbing at Red Rocks instead.

This weekend is Cinco de Mayo so I'm going to Baja with two of my workmates.

Hasta luego y Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

PS. Thanks for the dedication Jeff. I did read your post.